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Saturday Office

Mid to Late Summer – Pests To Be Aware Of

Wasps are likely to make their nests in sheltered spots so you’ll find them under trees, in bushes, in wall cavities, under eaves or in your shed or garage. By the Summer, 300 eggs can be produced daily with up to 5,000 adult wasps feeding grubs and maintaining the nest. Worker wasps are at their peak in August and September when their work in the nest is done and they start to become a nuisance.

Fleas may start to become a problem at this time of the year and professional chemicals are needed to eliminate them quickly. They like warm environments and are notoriously fast breeders. An infestation can start from just one flea or one egg.

In a warm environment, a carpet moth egg can develop into an adult moth within as little as 2 months. The larvae damage carpets and furnishings made of natural fibers by eating them. Wool, cashmere, silk, cotton, fur and leather are all at risk from being devoured by carpet moths.

Rats can seek refuge in houses and gardens. There has been a significant increase in the number of rats moving into people’s gardens and houses because the closure of local restaurants and takeaways has forced them to look elsewhere for food. Remember that rats can carry leptospirosis or Weil’s disease in their urine, which can be fatal to humans.

Lack of food outside can bring mice into your home and they enter through very small spaces. They can also spread disease, especially in areas where food is prepared. They are capable of chewing through wires and pipes, causing a greater risk of fire.

Honey bees will swarm at this time of year. It’s a natural process and occurs when a large group of bees leaves an established colony to establish a new one. It is common for bees to swarm onto bushes and trees but when swarms move into structures such as walls or chimneys, they will need to be removed for health and safety reasons. Removing honey beehives whilst keeping the bees alive is a dangerous task and should only be carried out by a bee removal specialist.

Louise Chapman is now able to remove honey bees live and safely from houses and roofs. To read all about it visit or call 07876 141153.

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